Friday, November 2, 2007

Time is what we dont have!!!!!!!!

today while i was running around for things

i saw dark clouds in the sky.....
it all looked so pure ....
wished i could stand there for my entire life

somehow forgot everythng for few seconds
seemed like all pain..... all worries ....
all miseries .. all problems...
everything was gone....

life seemed too simple and wonderful...
at times when i sit and think of them
other things seem too trivial and meaningless to be thought of

in this world we have smhow forgotton ourselves....
wat we are...
wat we want...
we dont have time for people we love
we dont have time fr even ourselves...

It makes me wonder is this wat we should be
Is this really wat we wanted
rushing for classes...
running for parties...
always running around for smthng or other
we have time for every thng in this world
but not fr ourselves

unfortunately wen v realise it , its already too late
time's already passed by
and we r left behind
wondering whr did v go wrong?
who's responsible for it?

i thnk we.... and only we
we cannot blame anyone else

we worry about small issues
forgetting the beauty of life
forgetting the spirit of nature

Is this wat life's is all about!!!!!
Is this wat we should do!!!!
Is this all we have!!!!

The answers of them we have to find ourselves
No one else can do it for us.